
“I remember the drive home when the blind hope turned to crying and screaming why”

Jessica Kennedy
4 min readJul 29, 2019

Taylor Swift has done a lot for her fans, to say the least. One fan, in particular, stands out against all others. That fan is Maya Thompson. In this article, I will be exploring exactly what sets this fan apart from the others and the reasons Taylor Swift has taken an interest in her and her story.

In 2013 Taylor Swift was casually browsing the internet when she stumbled upon a blog written by Maya Thompson about her son Ronan a 4-year-old diagnosed with cancer. In the blog, she explains about her son's diagnosis and the struggles they have faced because of it. She goes into detail of his treatment and toll it had on his body. Taylor became intrigued by her story and wanted to help but was unsure how at that moment. She continued to keep tabs on how Ronan was doing by reading the blog his mother created in the mere hope she would think of something.

Taylor has always gone out of her way to visit fans in the hospital who were going through cancer treatments to make their day a little better. She goes out of her way to visit kids whenever she can and she will talk to them, sing with them, take pictures with them and do anything she can to brighten their day. Taylor spends a considerable amount of time with these young fans whenever she gets the chance. She truly gets to know them and will engage with them in any way she can. She is genuine. Taylor Swift’s mother Andrea Swift was diagnosed with breast cancer a few years ago and therefore this makes it even more personal for her, though her mother is in remission most people diagnosed with cancer, don’t get as lucky.

Taylor continued to read Maya’s blog every day, though Maya didn’t know it Taylor was emotionally invested in Ronan’s journey. When Taylor read the blog post explaining that he had passed away she was heartbroken and needed to come up with a way to spread awareness to childhood cancer in her own way. She called Maya up just out of the blue and asked her about writing a song for her son. Maya had no idea such a giant pop sensation would ever even see her blog immediately jumped on the idea, fresh with the grief they began talking about how to give her son a legacy they could be proud of. Taylor agreed to let Maya have full creative control of the song, to make changes and give input as to not disrespect her and her family. Taylor also agreed to have all proceeds for the song be donated to help cure childhood cancer.

When the song was released Maya created a foundation called the Ronan Thompson foundation where all of the money would go into helping kids with cancer and cancer research. People could donate to this foundation on their own as well and the foundation has come a long way. You could view more information about the Ronan Thompson foundation on Maya’s twitter page @rockstarronan or

This is where the story takes a turn. Recently Scooter Braun purchased Taylor Swifts master recordings and the record label in which the music was recorded under from Scott Borchetta head of Big Machine Records and long-time friend and career partner of Taylor Swift. Scooter Braun has spent his life attempting to discredit Taylor at any cost and now he owns her music which includes the song, Ronan. This means that all proceeds from the song may no longer go to cancer research or to the Ronan Thompson Foundation. This means that Scooter can do whatever he wishes with the song.

I cannot begin to imagine how Maya is feeling right now. Her son’s legacy is currently unknown in the hands of someone who hated the person that made everything she has worked towards possible. This cannot be easy on her.

I ask you as a reader to not look too deeply into the medias depiction of this incident as Scooter Braun has paid reporters to write false truth about Taylor and current events. This is not a new occurrence for him either. Scooter has paid people in the past to spread false news about Taylor Swift. He has been caught, but that does not mean he will not continue.



Jessica Kennedy

Hi. I am a fangirl to the highest extent. An avid cat lover. A girl gamer. game of choice is fortnite. Potterhead and Swiftie and others. Writing is my passion.